At least pretend to be interested 

I have an open position for a Ph.D. student working on process tracking for forensic readiness in operating systems. There are clear instructions in the announcement how to apply. Nevertheless, I sometimes get emails that are not aimed at the announced position. Take a look at the picture. The candidate is „extremely motivated to apply“. So motivated […]

COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security 

Earlier this year I spent significant time on writing an application to the Research Council of Norway for funding a national research school of computer and information security. Some weeks before Christmas, the Research Council announced that they would fund the school as one of ten new research schools in the period 2013-2020. The Research […]

Computer Security Day 2012 

From „Computer Security Day was started in 1988 to help raise awareness of computer related security issues. Our goal is to remind people to protect their computers and information. This annual event is held around the world on November 30th although some organizations choose to have functions on the next business day if it […]

Happy birthday, NISlab 

NISlab, the information security research group at HiG, started ca. ten years ago. The exact date is debatable, so we decided to celebrate in the autumn of 2012. Coincidentally, this is also European Cyber Security Month. A lot has happened since then. The department of forestry ceased its activity at the Brandbu campus and funds […]

Slow database update 

A friend of mine needed a replacement part for his camera while he was on vacation in Gjøvik. After visiting some of the stores and performing a web search the other day, he found out the parts could be bought at Elkjøp, an electronics retail chain in Norway. I called them to verify availability. The […]

Two papers accepted at NordSec 2012 

I will be presenting two papers at NordSec 2012 The 17th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems. The topics of my contributions are „Security Add-Ons for Mobile Platforms“ and „Cost-Effective Technical Countermeasures Against GUI Manipulation of .NET Programs“. Security Add-Ons for Mobile Platforms  is joint work with M.Sc. student Benjamin Adolphi. We give an overview […]

Information Security Aspects of the 22/7 Attacks 

I will be presenting at EISIC 2012 (European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference). The topic of my contribution is „Information Security Aspects of the 22/7 Attacks“. We explore the use of information technology involved in the preparation of the July 22nd attacks in Oslo and on Utøya island in 2011 and recommend policy changes. Our […]

Incorrect data in read-only field 

The Research Council of Norway operates an electronic submission system for grant proposals. It works quite well overall. Ok, text boxes accepting 3,000 characters should be larger than just four lines and should not scroll out of view when repositioning the cursor. Ok, columns in the budget table should follow the project period and should […]

Two papers accepted for presentation in the same week 

I will be presenting at this year’s „13th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2012)“ and at the „9th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business“. Both are scheduled to take place in the first week of September, and I hope that the conference program will […]

Security conference invitation identified as potential phishing message 

I received an invitation to a conference on several topics in ICT security, to be held in Gjøvik in May. The invitation was marked by Outlook as „might be a phishing message and is potentially unsafe“. I will guess what happened. The list of recipients was suppressed. Good for confidentiality if you do not want […]