Two papers accepted for presentation in the same week

I will be presenting at this year’s „13th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on
Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2012)“ and at the „9th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business“. Both are scheduled to take place in the first week of September, and I hope that the conference program will allow me to take part in both.

The presentation at CMS is a short analysis of the editing of the terrorist manual distributed prior to last year’s attacks in Oslo and on Utøya island. With a tool developed at HiG you can graphically examine which parts of a document were changed at the same time, possibly indicating origin of text fragments.

The work presented at TrustBus is result of a collaboration with Ph.D. student Lisa Rajbhandari and originated from discussions with Tobias Mahler and Sebastian Meyer at the IRIS legal informatics symposium earlier this year. A regulatory framework for privacy based on a points system is envisioned to ease privacy regulation. The main idea is to take existing individual privacy protection as a baseline and to add improvements not for every individual. Hence, improvements would be implemented where they are least expensive, and privacy would be less of a burden for technological innovation and for small companies. Feedback from reviews was controversial, so I look forward to discussions of this utilitarian approach at the conference.

About Author: Hanno Langweg

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