TRIMSOS 2016-2019 – Training Improvements for Software Security (Auerbach Foundation)
The TRIMSOS project investigates improvements for software security education. The goal is to be able to automatically introduce vulnerabilities into arbitrary software with the purpose of generating training samples for developers.
LOCOMARE 2018 – Low-Cost Malware Resilience (HTWG IAF Small Research Project)
The LOCOMARE project focuses on malware resilience using COTS software. The goal is to document the structure and content of access tokens, to develop an open source software for exclusive use of input and output devices by individual applications, and to devise an access control policy for protection of processes against malicious software.
VOITURE 2016-2017 – Voting Integrity and Transparency University Research Exercise (HTWG)
The VOITURE project investigated the lack of transparency in televoting. Taking the Eurovision Song Contest as an example, we created a model and computed the number of sufficient additional votes to be cast to modify the published results. While the model appeared to be sound and the costs for adding votes were acceptable, the experiment was ultimately not successful. The probable cause was a measure against congestion on international telephone lines that prevented the planned use of VoIP calls. We learned a lot about televoting and telephone networks in the process. A dozen undergraduate students participated in the activity.
COINS 2013-2020 – Research School of Computer and Information Security (RCN)
The COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security integrates Norwegian research groups in information security to a larger entity, e.g. by integrating the course portfolio for research school members, building stronger relationships between doctoral students in the network, establishing more incentives to excel and increasing student mobility through access to a larger network. The research school increases Norway’s international student mobility, hosts internationally recognised researchers, and offers “free flow of goods and services” in information security research in Norway. COINS has grown to 80–90 student members out of a projected number of 40.
PROCFOR 2013-2016 – Process Tracking for Forensic Readiness (NTNU)
The PROCFOR project contributed to the tangible methods to prepare an enterprise for upcoming digital investigation. Results included an architecture that integrates process tracking enhancement into the existing digital forensics framework. We also assessed the practicality of process tracking enhancement on Microsoft Windows by implementing a file system monitor for comprehensive and reliable system-wide file system operation tracking.
SKYLINE 2011-2012 – Use of Cloud Computing for SMBs (RFF Innlandet)
The SKYLINE project demonstrated that it is possible for small enterprises to use various IaaS resources in cloud computing without the need for end-users to take care of technical details of individual service providers. Deliverables included a software package and a report. The project identified additional research questions for a possible continuation in a user-driven main project targeted at improved software quality by automated testing in virtual machines in the cloud.