Happy birthday, NISlab

NISlab, the information security research group at HiG, started ca. ten years ago. The exact date is debatable, so we decided to celebrate in the autumn of 2012. Coincidentally, this is also European Cyber Security Month.

A lot has happened since then.

The department of forestry ceased its activity at the Brandbu campus and funds were used strategically to build up information security as a new pillar for HiG. Industry put in money, namely Telenor, Norsk Tipping, Morgenlandet and Innovasjon Norge/SND. The first step was to establish a M.Sc. programme in information security, the first dedicated programme of its kind in Norway.

People were hired, and the European ESORICS and NordSec conferences on research in computer security decided to hold their events in Gjøvik in 2003. That was how I noticed HiG the first time, and shortly after, I applied for a Ph.D. stipend and got hired.

We hired more people, employed more Ph.D. students, started a B.Sc. programme in information security (for which I have taken over the responsibility this summer), and introduced an accredited Ph.D. programme in information security.

Today, NISlab offers the full breadth of information security in teaching and research, and offers education at B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. level. It is amazing how much has changed in the past ten years and what has been accomplished in this short timeframe.

So, happy birthday, NISlab, and good luck for the next ten years.

About Author: Hanno Langweg

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