Last year, HTWG Konstanz elected a new university president. Earlier this year, the management team of HTWG presented results of a strategy workshop: the values of HTWG. Based on the identified values we are now supposed to develop a strategy for the computer science department that will then be incorporated into an overall strategy for the whole institution.
- Sprudelnd – Bubbling – In an environment characterised by lively water we live a new culture that is refreshingly open to new ideas, that permits and with excitement encourages inspiration and thinking out of the box.
- Lebensnah – True-to-life – We open up opportunities and freedom for innovative thinking and action. We enable to structurally solve current practice-oriented issues.
- Grenzenlos – Borderless – We are networked interdisciplinarily and internationally. Together we shape new spaces and extend horizons.
- Visionär – Visionary – We like to experiment. In teaching, research, and continuous education we follow innovative ways. With new formats, free thinking and leading ideas we shape the future.
- Respektvoll – Respectful – We show consideration for each other. We value and support diverse talents, learn from each other and together explore the best way. We assume responsibility for environment and society.
- Authentisch – Authentic – We have our roots in applied science. We live what we say. We know where we want to get to.
We will figure out in the coming months what this means for the computer science department and, on my part, for IT security teaching and research at HTWG Konstanz.