Studieninformationstage März 2015

We offered „Studieninformationstage“ this week. Monday through Wednesday both in the morning and in the afternoon, we invite pupils to us at HTWG Konstanz to present them our study programmes in computer science and to give them the opportunity to ask questions. Pupils do not take part in teaching at their schools on these days.

The groups visiting us vary quite a lot.

I presented our faculty and the Applied Computer Science (AIN) bachelor programme on five occasions this week. Often times, many of the pupils that registered for the presentations did not show up. This is unfortunate for us as presenters (we can pass our message to fewer people than expected) and it is unfortunate for pupils (they do not get to know about our study programmes and they miss classes). Some visitor groups are coherent, coming from just two or three schools in the region. Some groups show interest in only one study programme. Some groups are so small that we have as many employees in the rom as we have visitors.

Main arguments for studying computer science at HTWG comprise the size of the department (with close to 30 professors you will always find someone in your area of interest), the small groups in teaching (we aim to have no more than 45-60 students in most lectures and no more than 15 students in exercises), and a compulsory placement semester in industry (you do not find that at traditional universities). Konstanz as a city is an attractive location and job prospects in computer science are good as well.

Pupils mainly ask about the structure of the study programmes, specific areas of study, prerequisites for being admitted and begin successful in their studies. We have put most of that information on our web pages at in the meantime.

About Author: Hanno Langweg

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