Fast delivery not guaranteed when you shop online 

Tracking does not actually help you to get your goods fast, but it gives you insights into supply chains. When I (temporarily) lost my suitcase on a SWISS flight, I immediately ordered some of the things I needed to have available quickly. I placed the order online the same afternoon (16:33). Visiting a brick and […]

Traveled faster than my suitcase 

Eight years after my plane was diverted from Iceland to Scotland in bad weather, causing my suitcase to be left behind and arriving late, it happened again. I had been on a trip to Tromsø, about 2,500 km or 4 hours air travel time from Konstanz. The plane from ZRH to OSL had been delayed […]

Samme hvor i verden du bor så lenge du kan se Mjøsa 

Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend Dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebensstufe, Blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern. Es muß das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne, Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben. Und […]

Non-obvious pricing 

I have always wondered why airlines reserve the right to refuse transferring you from B to A when you paid them for transfer from A to B but did not use their services. They might fear that you not only paid them (for A to B), but that you also pay a competitor to actually […]

We cut our prices by -38% 

I have been a regular user of the airport coach between Gjøvik and the international airport Oslo-Gardermoen (OSL) in the past 10 years. It is the most convenient mode of travel to cover the 90 kilometers in about 100 minutes. Starting the first week of February, the operator of the route changed the ticket system. […]

Tough questions 

Here are some more questions that my daughter, not even six years old, asked me recently: Why is it night in Cambodia and daytime where we live? Why does the earth rotate? Why do people visit a hospital to get children? What happens when we die and will we be born again? Why do we […]

Why is there just one woman in the room? 

Recently, I brought my daugthers to a project meeting. They do not attend school yet, and are at an age where they ask a lot of questions. „Why is there just one woman in the room? Will there come more women later?“ were questions to which I did not have a good answer. Out of eighteen […]

Painting makes a difference 

My garden-facing veranda had not received attention in several years, so I decided to paint parts of it this summer. The difference is noticeable. It is not so much the visual appearance, the freshly painted parts do not look much different from the older parts. It is its reaction to rain that fascinates me. Where […]

Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer 

This year reminds me of a song hear a long time ago. You can find Rudi Carrell on Youtube: „Wann wird’s mal wieder richtig Sommer – ein Sommer, wie er früher einmal war?“ (When will there again be a real summer like there used to be?). I was on Easter vacation in March and returned […]

Changing tyres 

It was a good day lately. The weather was nice, good conditions for cross-country skiing, sunshine, temperatures around zero degrees Celsius. I had been out in the woods with my family and was returning to my car when the day showed its ugly face. Packing the stuff in the trunk I noticed a sound: „pfffffft“. […]