Privacy Points presented at ICSE/TELERISE 2015

The team project on Privacy Points that I supervised in our MSI master programme in computer science resulted in a publication that was accepted for presentation at the TELERISE workshop co-located with the ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering. Presentations at the meeting focused on the intersection of technical and legal aspects of security and privacy. It was a good venue to discuss privacy points.

telerise-florenceQuestions raised by the audience were differences between land-use planning and privacy (we need to look more into that), individual vs. group utility of improved privacy (we address that with an individual baseline and additional collective improvements on top of the baseline), and enforceability of controls (we propose to integrate privacy audits into financial audits).

Students preferred to attend classes on the day of presentation, so I had to take on the burden of travelling to Florence, Italy, on a sunny day…

About Author: Hanno Langweg

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