New office

Years ago, when I was writing my Ph.D. thesis, I was notified that I would have to vacate my office, because the building would be remodeled soon. „Soon“ turned out to be enough time to finish my Ph.D., start a family, work in industry and return to my old office.

This month I finally moved. I exchanged the small office with the view of the lake with a larger office that has a view of a river (plus a motorway and a power transforming station). Administration told us that the new location will be temporary and that we will be able to move back to our remodeled building in about a year from now.

Postal, email and other means of communication will not be affected. Telephone will work as soon as IT gets the VoIP software to function properly on my laptop. Visitors need to walk to Mustad business park, locate building MY/HiG/NISlab, enter the second floor and come to office MY07 to meet me.

About Author: Hanno Langweg

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