Tagung SICHERHEIT 2018 in Konstanz 

Ende April fand die Jahrestagung SICHERHEIT 2018 in Konstanz statt. https://sicherheit2018.in.htwg-konstanz.de/ Drei Tage lang diskutierten die Teilnehmenden auf dem „Familientreffen“ des Fachbereichs Sicherheit (Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit) die Themen, die in der deutschsprachigen Community in der Forschung und Praxis aktuell sind. Vortragende und Teilnehmende spiegelten die Vielfalt der Forschung zu Sicherheit wider. Universitäten und Hochschulen für […]

Yi-Ching Liao defended her thesis 

Yi-Ching Liao defended her thesis titled “Process Tracking for Forensic Readiness ” at the Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik. Liao has looked at how companies can collect and preserve potential evidence in advance, if they were to experience a cyber attack. Perpetrators need access to system resources to commit cybercrime. […]

New Director for HTWG’s Doctoral Programme 

I will become the director of the doctoral programme at HTWG Konstanz starting in March 2017. The vote in the Academic Senate was 15 in favour and 2 against.

Precipitation with 16 digits of precision, really? 

We are proud to have wetter.com in Konstanz. According to Stiftung Warentest, an independent organisation for testing of goods and services for consumers, wetter.com has the best weather forecast. „Best in terms of temperature and precipitation“ probably means how accurate the prediction is. If I want to go out, I want to know if it […]

I believe I got Deutsche Telekom to change an incorrect notification 

Changing the world one small step at a time. I live close to the Swiss border and it happens that my mobile phone registers with a Swiss operator instead of Deutsche Telekom (who sends me a monthly invoice). After learning the hard way that roaming costs money and happens more often than I thought, I […]

Visit to Avira in Tettnang 

We do not have a lot of companies specialising in IT security in the Lake Constance area, so we went on a field trip to Tettnang on the other side of the lake to visit one of the larger companies, a bit more than an hour to drive. Around 30 students from the bachelor/master security […]

Grammer mistakes 

When reviewing a paper lately, I encountered this gem from one of my fellow reviewers: a separate remark is that the language should be polished. There are quite some grammer mistakes in the paper. (emphasis mine) I am not sure if that was an intentional joke and, if so, the authors of the submission will […]

HTWG master students participated in SECENTIS winter school 

Two computer science students from HTWG Konstanz won a travel grant to participate in the SECENTIS winter school. Sandra Ringmann (BIT) and Felix Schuckert (MSI) had applied to attend the winter school on „Security and Trust of Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems“ in Trento, Italy, in February. In her master’s thesis, Sandra Ringmann investigated how […]

HTWG Konstanz participates in Alliance for Cyber Security 

The Alliance for Cyber Security is an initiative of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), established in cooperation with Germany’s digital association (BITKOM). HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences has joined the Alliance for Cyber Security, represented by Professor Dr. Hanno Langweg at the department of Computer Science. As an association of all […]

How do you know that this is not my correct email address? 

When I was traveling to Spain last year, I connected to the „free“ wifi network at BCN airport in Barcelona. They do not charge a fee for connections up to one hour. However, they collect some personal data to be able to use the service. I stated my name as „Privacy Privacy“ and gave „privacy@langweg.de“ […]